Keeping Conflict Constructive 1st Edition And Unleashing the Power of Divergent Thinking PDF E-book :
Keeping Conflict Constructive 1st Edition And Unleashing the Power of Divergent Thinking PDF E-book :
PDF E-book for : Keeping Conflict Constructive 1st Edition And Unleashing the Power of Divergent Thinking Keeping Conflict Constructive And Unleashing the Power of Divergent Thinking This is the eBook version of the printed book. This Element is an excerpt from Why Great Leaders Don't Take Yes for an Answer: Managing for Conflict and Consensus (ISBN: 9780137000630) by Michael A. Roberto. Available in print and digital formats. Promoting constructive dialogue--and keeping it from degenerating into destructive, dysfunctional argument. In many organizations, debates become dysfunctional before the leader recognizes the warning signs. Diagnosing these situations as they unfold represents a critical leadership capability. How does a leader discern whether a passionate debate among his advisers and subordinates stands on the verge of becoming dysfunctional? Imagine two scenarios....