Water Pipe Solution
Water Pipe Solution
One of the greatest sources of health-damaging current into our homes is through the water pipe. I am astounded at the many levels of confusion and disagreement from plumbers, electricians, inspectors and laypersons on how to handle this issue. Frankly, I am tired of arguing with electricians so I decided to dedicate an entire book to this issue. Since the bureaucratic levels blocking any change to the codes are obstinately stacked with agendas other than our health, we need to take care of ourselves. Many others, even with very long credentials, have tried to no avail. I believe this age is one of personal sovereignty and responsibility so this is your chance to take personal responsibility for yourself, your family and your clients, and make the changes that are required to actually save and preserve human life, and not just give safety lip service as in the forwards of our august code enforcing bodies. This is really a life and death situation. Lives are being destroyed on all levels and this requires immediate changes to these electrical and plumbing systems. Please, take the time to understand the existing codes that I cite. We need to address people adhering to the Òthis is the way we have always done itÓ or the Òcode allows us to...Ó arguments. Learn for yourself how we can mutually accomplish our goal so you can be an important advocate towards the change we need to see.